The middle school wing of chavara school includes classes VI to VIII
These classes are taken to be the stepping stone for higher education. The academic curriculum hence
is designed to instill a healthy respect for hard work and to develop sound formal study skills.
The students are prepared for the rigorous academic requirements of the senior school, they are
encouraged to do individual and group work, and become independent .Public speaking is encouraged,
along with independent research work, as such activities help the students to gain confidence and
push their boundaries of knowledge even further. Stress is given to discipline and punctuality.
Focus on all round development
This is a critical period in education. Life really comes alive with this vivacious, confused,
boisterous and intelligent group of students. Mathematics is divided into Arithmetic, Algebra
and Geometry. General Science becomes more detailed as Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Social
Studies branches out into History, Geometry and Civics. During these years, children are taught
to write independently and creatively for purpose, pleasure and learning; to organize ideas into
coherent structures and paragraphs; to read extensively and discuss personal reading with others;
to plan, analyse and develop lines of enquiry to find solutions; to collect, organize and represent
information and interpret results.
- Need to channel the naturally exuberant imaginative energy of the children into
activity which is not merely enjoyable but which also has a language pay off.
- Provide children with opportunities to question, explore and assess situations, form their own values, make decisions.
- Imbibe core life skills, strategies and techniques.
- Learn discipline, time management skills with respect to preparing for tests & examinations.
Subjects taught
English, Malayalam, Hindi, Computers, Mathematics, History and Civics, Geography, Physics,
Chemistry and Biology, Value Education, Physical Training, Art.